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The Influence of Reprocessing in the Column on the Light Curves 
of Accretion Powered Neutron Stars 

Miljenko Cemeljic and Tomasz Bulik 
Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Bartycka 18, 00-716 Warszawa, Poland 


Flow of matter onto strongly magnetized neutron stars in X-ray binaries 
proceeds through accretion funnels that roughly follow geometry of the magnetic 
field. X-rays originate near surface of the neutron star, and it may happen 
that the accretion flow passes through the line of sight as the star rotates. We 
consider the effects of such accretion flow eclipses on the X-ray light curves of 
accretion powered pulsars, and present a set of X-ray light-curves measured by 
BATSE for A0535+262 for which this phenomenon is very likely to take place. 

1. Introduction 

X-ray binary systems have been observed and analyzed since early 1970. 
They are powered by accretion from a companion star onto a compact object: 
neutron star or black hole. In this paper we concentrate on a subclass of these 
sources, namely high mass X-ray binaries. Here, the spin period of a neutron 
star is in the range from about less than one second to a couple hundred of 
seconds flWhite, Nagase fc Parmar 1995|) . Neutron stars are believed to have 
strong magnetic fields, in the range of 10 12 Gauss for a number of reasons. First, 
lines have been discovered in the spectra of some objects at the energies of 5 to 
60 keV (one object, A0535+262, even has a possible line feature at 110 keV) 
and interpreted as cyclotron scattering lines. Second, the existence of a short 
pulse period indicates anisotropy on the surface of the star, which is most likely 
due to strong magnetic field. Since spin periods of these objects are rather long, 
typically from ten to even hundreds seconds, the magnetospheric radius must be 
large and therefore field is quite strong, or else the star would have been spun 
up to much shorter pulse period. The distribution of magnetic field strength 
measured by cyclotron lines overlaps with that of the radio pulsars magnetic 
fields measured by the spindown flMihara 1995Q . 

In these systems matter is transferred from the companion star either 
through the stellar wind, or also possibly in some systems through the Roche 
lobe overflow. An accretion disc may be formed around a neutron star, however 


inside the magnetospheric radius, flow of matter is guided by the magnetic 
field. As matter hits the surface of the neutron star, the kinetic energy in the 
flow is transformed into radiation and X-rays are produced. Radiation from the 
neutron star surface have been modeled by a number of authors using different 
approaches to solve the radiative transfer in a strongly magnetized medium. 
Nagel and Meszaros (1985) have used the finite difference method, and their 
approach was later improved by Alexander and Meszaros (1991) who included 
the effects of higher harmonics. Bulik et al. (1995) used a similar technique 
and solved for the hydrostatic equilibrium with the inclusion of the effects of 
radiation pressure, as well as some temperature corrections in the atmosphere. 
Another method of solving the radiative transfer - the Monte Carlo simulations 
- has been used in by Wang, Wasserman and Lamb (1993), Araya & Harding 
(1996), however these approaches have only been able to treat very small optical 
depths for computational reasons. Recently this difficulty has been overcome by 
Isenberg, Wang and Lamb (1997) who calculated a number of cases with optical 
depth tt up to a few. This model atmospheres have been used as an input in 
modeling of the light curves of rotating accretion powered pulsars. The free 
parameters in these models are the geometry of the rotation, magnetic field, and 
the position of the observer with respect to the system (Pulik et al. 199% [Bulik 
et al. 1995Q . 

Most of the models of the light curves of accretion powered pulsars have 
neglected the interaction with the accretion column. However the typical density 
in the column is ~ 10 19 cm -3 at its base and the direction to the observer may 
happen to be close to the direction along the column. Thus, for some objects 
interaction with the matter in the accretion column may be important for the 
formation of the light curves. In section 2 we present a model of emission from 
a neutron star and calculate the effects of the accretion column. In section 3 
we calculate some representative light curves and compare them observations of 
light curves of A0535+262 in a giant outburst in 1994. Finally, we summarize 
and discuss our results in section 4. 

2. Radiative Transfer in the Column 

Our model of emission from a neutron star follows the models described 
elsewhere e.g. Bulik (1995). The geometry of emission is shown in Figure |l| 
The angle between the direction to the observer and the neutron star rotation 
axis is 0, and the angle between the magnetic axis and the rotation axis is 
denoted by (3. It should be noted that in general the two polar caps do not have 

- 3- 

to lie opposite one another, as has been already shown flBulik ct al. 1992 . Bulik 

et al. 1995| ). However, in this work we will consider only a simplified model 
with a single value of (3. The angular sizes of the accretion caps are denoted 
by 5. In this paper we ignore the general relativistic effects (gravitational 
light deflection in strong gravitational field) which affect the shape of the light 
curves. Observationally little is known about the shape of the accretion column. 
It depends on the exact mechanism of how matter latches onto the magnetic 
field lines on the edge of the magnetosphere and also on the geometry of the 
magnetic field in the neighborhood of the neutron star. The accretion flow 
may have a geometry of a hollow column, or a fraction of such ( [Basko and" 

Sunyaev 1975| ), or a filled column. Regardless of the details, we can say that 
there must exist a range of lines of sight for which the observer will look close to 
the direction along the accretion column. If the column is bent then there are 
directions in which the column passes through the line of sight to the observer, 
for some observing directions. In these directions a significant reprocessing of 
the underlying radiation will be very likely to occur and dips in the light curve, 
similar to eclipses, will take place. 

We use a detailed model of the X-ray emission from accretion-powered 
pulsars (Pulik et al. 1992| , Pulik et al. 1995|) . The radiative transfer equation 

is solved using a first order difference scheme and we impose the condition of 
hydrostatic equilibrium on the model atmosphere. Calculation of the radiation 
pressure includes the effects of resonant scattering and is coupled to the radiative 
transfer equation. The code can incorporate various energy release profiles in the 
atmosphere and the final solution satisfies the condition of radiative equilibrium. 
We will not go into further details of the code, and we will denote the intensity 
at the surface of the radiating cap as I(u,fi), (u is the frequency and /i is the 
cosine of the angle of propagation with respect to the magnetic field). 

In order to evaluate the relevant radiative processes for the radiative transfer 
in the column we need to determine the physical conditions that prevail there. 
The density can be estimated as the free fall density of matter 

,19 r C.l/2 ,-1 ( M &\ r-1 -3 

n = 1.3 x lQVLsrRZ'Au 1 (j*) /" W (1) 

where L = 10 37 L37ergs _1 is the luminosity, R = 10 6 Rq cm is the radius of the 
neutron star, A = 10 10 t4io cm 2 is the area of the accreting cap, M is the mass 
of the neutron star and / is the radiative efficiency. The density will changes as 
the matter moves along the column. Two effects play a role here: on one hand 
as the matter accelerates its density decreases. On the other hand as matter 


approaches a neutron star the field lines are increasingly squeezed and this also 
increases the density in the flow. 

The accreting material consists primarily of hydrogen which will be ionized. 
We assume that the magnetic field is dipolar, which should hold pretty well in 
the region above the neutron star up to the edge of the magnetosphere. Thus 
the value of the field falls down as B -B su rf x {R*/R) 3 , where R* is the stellar 
radius. Note that near the surface the field geometry may well be modified. 
Since we consider a region only a fraction of the star radius above the surface, 
the magnetic field in the column is a small factor smaller than that at the 
surface. The ratio of the free-free absorption cross section is (e.g. Pulik fc Miller 

— ~5.7x 10- 7 n 19 T 6 ^r 3 (2) 


where n = 10 19 nig cm -3 is the density, T = 10 6 T 6 K is the temperature, and 
uj = 10cg>io keV is the photon energy. Thus in the range of interest the opacity 
will be dominated by the scattering. The scattering cross section depends on 
the polarization of a photon and the direction of propagation with respect to 
the magnetic field. Since most of the emission from a magnetic cap is in the 
extraordinary mode, we will only consider the E-mode cross section, which can 
be approximated by 

^ « PM 2 , (3) 

where u c = eB/mc is the electron cyclotron frequency. The optical depth 
through the column in the E-mode is 

,1/2.-1/2,-1 ( ^ 

r = 1.09 L 37 Rq Aiq f —— . (4) 

Here we do not consider the details of the cross sections in the neighborhood of 
the electron cyclotron resonance as far as the reprocessing is concerned. It must 
be stressed, however, that the cyclotron resonance is included in the calculation 
of the underlying radiation from the accretion cap. Thus the column is optically 
thin for most of the parameter space, especially for strongly magnetized sources. 

As a neutron star rotates we see the accretion caps at an angle G which 
changes as 

cos 9((p) = cos cos (3 + sin sin (3 cos <p (5) 

where (p is the phase of the rotation. The light curves is thus described by 

ip) = Hi{<j>)) + I(u}, /i2(v 9 )) ; where fJ,(<p) are the cosines of viewing angles 
for the two accretion caps, and are given by equation In order to calculate 

- 5 - 

the effects of the column eclipses we must know how the optical depth through 
the column depends on the observed phase, i.e. the function r (</?). The observed 
light curves with the inclusion of the effects of reprocessing in the column will 
be given by 

I(w,(p) =I(w,in(<f>)) x expf-rj (<p)\ + (i 2 (v)) exp[-T 2 (ip)] (6) 

and we ignore the scattered radiation. We approximate the unknown functions 
r(<f) by Gaussian 

r(tp) oc exp 



Thus the model for the observed light curves is as follows. Accreted matter 
is funneled from the disc onto the surface of the neutron star by the strong 
magnetic field. We model the emission from the magnetic polar cap using the 
radiative transfer code described elsewhere (|Bulik et al. 19951) . The geometry 

allows us to see either one or two polar caps. However, the funnel of the accreted 
matter crosses our line of sight once every rotational period, and causes the 
additional strong dip in the light curve. The parameters of the model are the 
angles that describe the geometry and those describing the physical conditions 
of the emitting region: the angle between the rotation axis and the line of sight, 
the angle between the rotation axis and the position of the magnetic polar cap, 
the phase at which the absorption by the accretion funnel occurs. 

3. The Light Curves 

In order to visualize the effects of the reprocessing in the column we calculate 
a couple of representative light curves. We assume that the underlying emission 
from the accretion cap is characterized by the temperature kT = 8.1 keV, 
and the surface magnetic field with cyclotron energy hue = 55 keV. Energy 
considered in this model is of the 20-30 keV band. In the simulations we ignore 
the extent of the accretion caps and also neglect the general relativistic effects. 
Such an approach provides only simplified light curves that should not be used 
for detailed fits, however here we concentrate on the reprocessing of radiation in 
the column. 

The shape of the light curve depends strongly on the geometry of viewing 
with respect to the system. As a first example we consider the case when the 
accretion flow is curved toward the rotation axis, see Figure 0. We assume 
that the angle between both magnetic and rotation axis is /3 — 45°, and we 
present the light-curves for three different viewing angles = 15°, 30°, and 

- 6- 

65°. In the first case only one accretion cap is seen, and no reprocessing in 
the accretion column occurs since the accretion flow does not cross the line of 
sight. In the second case we still see only one accretion cap, however, the line 
of sight is crossed by the accretion flow. These results in the dips in the light 
curves that produces a double peaked profile. For clarity we also show with a 
dashed line a profile that would be obtained if the accretion flow was ignored. 
Here we assumed that the column density of the accretion flow is 3 x 10 24 cm~ 2 , 
the phase at which the absorption by the accretion funnel occurs ip = 330°. It 
has to be stressed that the depth of the dips is a very sensitive function of the 
column depth. Finally, we show the case when the observing direction is such 
that two accretion caps are visible, and the accretion flow does not cross the 
line of sight. The light curve has two broad symmetric peaks corresponding to 
seeing two accretion caps. 

The second example set of light curves is shown in Figure |3| where we present 
the case when the accretion flow is bent towards the equatorial plane. Here we 
also show three light curves for three different viewing angles = 25°, 60°, and 
85°. In the first case the light curve is similar to the top panel in Figure [| 
In the second case, we observe two accretion caps, however the accretion flow 
interferes with the radiation from one of them. This results in a triple peaked 
profile, where the larger peak is split because of the scattering of radiation when 
the accretion flow passes through the line of sight. The last case, when the 
observer is located nearly perpendicular to the rotation axis, leads to a double 
peaked profile, and there are no effects of reprocessing in the light curve. The 
position of the "accretion flow eclipse" dip with respect to the pulse center is 
a measure of bending of the accretion flow. The larger the difference in phase 
between the pulse center and the dip, the more the flow is bent. 

It has to be stressed that the sharp drops in a number of light curves 
presented here are not physical. In reality they will be smoothed because of the 
gravitational light bending, as well as the finite extent of the emission regions 
on the surface of a neutron star. 

3.1. Light Curves of A0535+262 

As a very tempting example of a possible application of the formalism we 
present the BATSE observations of a binary pulsar A0535+262. The binary 
pulsar A0535+262 has been discovered by Ariel V satellite ([Rosenberg et al] 
1975| , |Coe et al. 1975|) , and the companion star has been identified as a Be star 

( [Lillcr 1975|) . The binary period has been estimated to be ~ 111 days from the 

- 7- 

frequency of X-ray outbursts flNagase et al. 1982| ). This results was later refined 
to 111.38 ±0.11 days ( [Motch et al. 1991] ) , and the full orbit was found using the 
BATSE observations ( [b'inger et al. 199"4| ). The rotational period of the neutron 
star is 103.54 s ( |Coe et al. 199U| ). The intensity of the X-ray outbursts varies 
and has been classified based on the flux in the 2-10 keV band. It is denoted 
as "giant", when these flux reaches above 1 Crab, "normal" when it is below 
1 Crab, and "missing" when only the quiescent flux, 5-10 mCrab is measured. 
Only four "giant" outbursts have been observed so far: in 1975, 1980, 1984, 
flGiovannelli fc Craziati 1992|) , and in 1994. 

The X-ray spectrum is thermal and has been modeled as an exponential 
with kT pa 17 keV ( |Hameury et al. 1983| ), or a blackbody or Wien with 
kT pa 8 - 9 keV ( [Frontera et al. 1985| , Pal Fiume et al. 1988| ). Analysis 
of the HEXE observation showed a presence of two harmonically spaced 
lines ( |Kendziorra et al. 1992| , |Kendziorra et al. 1994p at 55 keV (with low 
significance) and a highly significant line at 110 keV which were interpreted as 
cyclotron scattering lines. Recently, OSSE observed A0535+262 flGrove et al.| 
1995| ) and confirmed the existence of a line at 110 keV, at the same time finding 

no evidence of the line at 55 keV. A further analysis of the data showed that the 
model with 110 keV line as the fundamental is preferred by the data ( |Araya 
Harding 1996| ). Thus, the value of the field can either be pa 5 x 10 12 Gauss or 
pa 10 13 Gauss. 

BATSE detected a giant outburst from A0535+262 in February and March 
1994 flFinger et al. 199"B| ), and triggered a target of opportunity observation by 
OSSE QGrove et al. 1995| ). The outbursts was detectable by BATSE over an 
interval of 52 days. We should note that BATSE provides a unique opportunity 
of almost constant monitoring of an outburst over a time of next to two months. 
Over this time the source changed the flux by a factor of more than 30. The 
BATSE experiment can monitor the intensity of the source using the occultation 
technique, and also the light curves folded with the pulse period using the pulsar 
mode. A number of such observations have been performed during the outburst. 

The pulse shapes of A0535+262 in different X-ray bands for four luminosity 
states are presented in Figure f|. The light curves are double peaked except 
for the lowest luminosity state, where the light curve is very noisy. The two 
peaks are divided by a rather narrow dip with the depth and width varying 
depending both on the luminosity and on the spectral band. The light curves 
vary substantially from one spectral band to another as expected for radiation 
from a rotating, strongly magnetized source. 

We present a set of simulated light curves for this set of observations. In 

- 8- 

this particular calculations we assumed that the angle between the rotation axis 
and the line of sight is 9 = 25°, the angle between the rotation axis and the 
magnetic axis is (3 — 15°. The temperature of the magnetic cap is estimated 
assuming a blackbody radiation from the area of 10 10 cm 2 . We obtain T = 4.5, 
6.3, 8.1 and 9.5 keV for the luminosities of L = 0.4 x 10 37 , 1.6 x 10 37 ,4.5 x 10 37 
and 9.1 x 10 37 erg s _1 respectively. We alter the temperature of the underlying 
continuum radiation with the increasing luminosity and we also change the 
density in the column as the luminosity (and consequently the accretion rate) 
changes. The results of this qualitative comparison are shown in Figure (|. The 
detailed fits of the model to the data are currently under way, here we want to 
stress a qualitative similarity of the simulated and observed light curves for a 
wide range of luminosities and spectral ranges. 

4. Summary 

We have analyzed the influence of reprocessing of radiation when the 
accretion flow crosses the line of sight in the accretion powered pulsars. Some 
simulated light curves for different positions of the observer and the source 
geometry are presented. We find that in some cases, perhaps about 10% of 
the sources, reprocessing of the radiation in the accretion column may play a 
significant role. There are a few dozen currently known high mass X-ray binaries 
so we expect a few sources where such an effect can be seen. 

This opens a very exciting possibility for studying such sources; the radiation 
from the accretion cap can serve as a beacon that shines through the accretion 
column and allows to probe the conditions there. Objects that can be observed 
for different accretion rates are the best case for such a study. As the accretion 
rate changes the conditions in the accretion column change and they can be 
probed through analysis of the light curves. Observations of the underlying 
continuum, especially if a cyclotron line is present in their spectrum, provide 
very strong constraints on the geometry of the system, e.g. the inclination of 
the magnetic axis, and the position of the observer ( [Bulik et al. 1992] , [Bulik 
et al. 19U3| ). The spectral analysis of the pulse resolved spectra may yield the 
density, temperature, and possibly the strength of the magnetic field in the 
column. One can also learn about the geometry of the column by combining the 
information of the pulse resolved fits of the underlying emission from the cap 
with the analysis of the accretion flow dips in the pulses. 

A good candidate for such analysis is presented here. A transient pulsar 
A0535+262 has been observed by many satellites. It undergoes outbursts of 

- 9- 

different strength, and its pulse shape has a dip that is consistent with the 
interpretation as "accretion flow eclipses". 

This work has been funded by the KBN grant 2P03D00911. 


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This preprint was prepared with the AAS IATeX macros v4.0. 

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g. 1. — Geometry of emission from a rotating neutron star. 

Fig. 2. — The upper left panel shows a sketch of the neutron star and the accretion flow 
bending toward the rotation axis. The panels show light curves for three orientations of the 
observer in relation to the system, = 15° (upper right panel), 6 = 30° (lower left panel), 
and = 65° (lower right panel). 

1 2 

$ - Phase 

Fig. 3. — The upper left panel shows a sketch of the neutron star and the accretion flow 
bending toward the equatorial plane. Three panels show light curves for three orientations 
of the observer in relation to the system, = 25° (upper right panel), 6 = 60° (lower left 
panel), and = 85° (lower right panel). 


Fig. 4. — The top panel shows light curves of A0535+262 obtained by BATSE (Pildsten et 
al. 1997] ) folded with the pulse period. Columns correspond to four luminosity states when 
A0535+262 was observed and are labeled accordingly. Rows show light curves in three hard 
X-ray bands. The light curves are plotted relative to the mean rate. The bottom panel shows 
simulated light curves of A0535+262. Geometry of emission is identical in the simulations 
for all four luminosity states, while the accretion rate (or temperature of the emitting region) 
is varied. The surface magnetic field is Tiujb = 110 keV. Dashed lines show the light curves 
when no absorption by the accretion funnel is taken into account, and solid lines show the 
light curves with absorption included.